Set Data Structure
Extend the template module and add how to store and interact with data. Specifically, you need to set and retrieve a name.
Set Name
Open the proto/nameservice/v1
directory. Edit tx.proto
to add the transaction setter message.
// SetServiceName allows a user to set their accounts name.
rpc SetServiceName(MsgSetServiceName) returns (MsgSetServiceNameResponse);
// MsgSetServiceName defines the structure for setting a name.
message MsgSetServiceName {
option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "sender";
string sender = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
string name = 2;
// MsgSetServiceNameResponse is an empty reply.
message MsgSetServiceNameResponse {}
proto/nameservice/v1/tx.proto file
Get Name
Find query.proto
and add the following
// ResolveName allows a user to resolve the name of an account.
rpc ResolveName(QueryResolveNameRequest) returns (QueryResolveNameResponse) {
option (google.api.http).get = "/nameservice/v1/name/{wallet}";
// QueryResolveNameRequest grabs the name of a wallet.
message QueryResolveNameRequest {
string wallet = 1;
// QueryResolveNameResponse grabs the wallet linked to a name.
message QueryResolveNameResponse {
string name = 1;
Generate Code
These .proto file templates will be converted into Golang source code for you to use. Build the Go source code using the command:
make proto-gen
make proto-gen expected output